Change the order of logins that are looped through, and proposed for a website in the web extension

Problem description

In the Chrome Web Extension, the order of the suggested logins is opposite to the order of the vault selection and, in my opinion, contradictory.

My vault selector contains:

  • All vaults
  • My vault
  • Organisation Vault

Looping through matches
When I loop through the results for a website, the results from the shared organisation vaults are always proposed first, before those from the personal vault.

Select from list of suggestions in extension
When All vaults is active, the logins suggested for a site are always the shared ones from the team vault first, not my personal one.

I find this confusing and contradictory. It should list my personal matches first and then the matches from the shared vault. This is already the order in the selector, but not in the result list and not in the loop functionality.

The practical aspect of the problem: In our organisation we have both personal logins and shared logins for certain systems. For example, I have a personal login on a Wordpress server to administer, but we also have test accounts that we share in the team vault to test things on the same Wordpress server. I use my personal login every day, but the test accounts only once in a while. However, they are always at the top of the list. You could save a lot of clicks and loops every day if the matches from the personal vault were displayed first. I have not found a way to change this order.


  • Make it configurable whether shared or personal vaults should be suggested and showed first,
  • Or permanently change the order so that matches from the personal vault are always shown first and suggested first.