I’m new to Bitwarden, and I’m finding the “change password” workflow a bit odd, unless I’m doing this incorrectly.
In this example I’m using Facebook, but I tried the same thing on Uber with identical outcome.
Username/password are saved in the vault and I can log in fine, so no issues with that.
Then I want to change my password. I use Bitwarden to fill in my existing password. I click on the Bitwarden icon on the new password field, which generates a new pw for me. I then click on “Fill generated password” to use it, but it’s not automatically entered in the next field (re-type your password field). I have to make the new password visible, copy, and then paste in the retype field.
Having used Chrome’s and Firefox’s in built password managers I’m finding it a bit unusual, should Bitwarden not enter the newly populated pw into both fields? Otherwise it is very unintuitive and long winded. Might not be an issue for 1-2 sites but I have a lot of passwords that I need to change.
Am I missing something? Or doing it wrong? I’ve tried FB and Uber both on Chrome and Firefox with the same outcome (on Macbook).
It is difficult for any third-party password manager to distinguish between different types of password fields (e.g., new vs. old). As a result, Bitwarden’s autofill function typically fills all visible password fields with the currently stored password.
Thus, a typical workflow for changing a password would be to first copy the old password to the clipboard, then generate and save a new password, subsequently autofill the new password, and finally paste the old password into the old password field (after clearing the new password from that field).
This is my flow except that I paste the old password into the notes field in case the clipboard gets cleared. I then delete it after the password is changed.
I also do that sometimes, when I want to be absolutely sure. But it is not really necessary, as with a password change, the old password get’s stored in the password history of the login item.
Also to @northw : since the new extension has drag & drop again (I guess with the exception of the URI fields for the moment), you can also drag & drop the old and new password into the fields. (though, as in the old extension, that only works in “view item” mode and not in the “edit” mode)
Thanks for the notes everyone. As I’m using it more and more often I’m noticing that auto-fill behaviour differs. I’ve been using Chrome for a long time, and recently changed to Firefox, and they both have a fairly straight forward password change procedure. Although it’s much easier to use either of those, they also have their limitations so I’m sticking with Bitwarden.