Can't login using extension on laptop

I am having issues with logging into bitwarden extension on a laptop. On desktop, don’t have any issues. When I first started using bitwarden, I didn’t have any trouble on the laptop. I did make some changes to the encryption key settings. Currently using argon2id and 128mb kdf memory. Don’t think I changed the other 2 kdf settings.

If that is the issue, what kind of specs needed to run those settings? The laptop has decent specs and fairly new, can’t recall exact specs at the moment.

@Flipflop Hi!

Did you choose the right server region in the browser extension (US/.com or EU/.eu)? Those two are not interchangeable, but distinct.

PS: If that doesn’t help… - what kind of error message do you get?

Yes I did choose the right server, us .com. I don’t get any error message. After I type in password and press unlock, nothing happens. Password field goes blank. This last time, it just removed the account from the list, 2 different accounts on laptop.

Unlock? - Are you trying to login or to unlock? (login and unlock are not the same thing… e.g. if you set up a specific unlock method, like a PIN, then the master password doesn’t work for that - and vice versa…)

Okay, and if you try to login again now?

(if the account would still be on the list, I would recommend to log out (!) and then login again)

If that all doesn’t work, I would recommend to remove the extension, delete the local storage of the extension (Storage | Bitwarden Help Center) and reinstall the extension.

I am able to login now using the extension. Once the account was removed from the list and I readded it, am able to login. Ty for your help.

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