Can't log in to Vault, 2FA blocking me and no recovery code

Hello all.
For whatever reason, I am now presented with a 2FA authenticator request when logging in to my web account. Unfortunately, and I can’t remember why or how, I have no authenticator active for BW. Nor can I find my account recovery print, which I’m sure I would have made at the time.
Luckily, I have been able to export my vault on two separate devices, so if all fails and I have to start afresh, I should be able to import into my new account, I would think?
Is it likely support would turn off my 2FA, given account details, start up date etc?

@MuckSpreader Welcome to the forum!

Unfortunately, from everything I’ve seen, support would not disable 2FA for you.

Most likely, you enabled this a long time ago and forgot about it, and just stayed logged in on your devices since then (so that you never actually had to enter the 2FA).

Alternatively, if someone else has had access to your master password (or if the master password is re-used or weak), it is possible that somebody has breached your account and enabled 2FA as a way of taking over the account. Have you recently received any notification about a Bitwarden login from a new device?

Just to make sure there is nothing odd going on, try logging in using different methods (e.g., installing a new Bitwarden app or a new browser extension, either on your current devices or on a different device). Do you always get the 2FA prompt now?

Thanks for reply.
No, nothing new seen.
I suspect it was me trying to implement Passkeys or similar.
Unfortunately doing the same on a fresh browser login on another Chrome account. Log in Password, then Captcha, then recovery code.
Look like I’ll sign up for a new account and import…
Then backup recovery etc.
Thanks assistance, Cheers

I’ve generated a new account and attempted to import my exported BW vault. But BW is not listed in the import file format list. Any help with that would be great

What client app/extension are you using for the import? There should be a file format for “Bitwarden (json)” and one for “Bitwarden (csv)”.

If your vault export was not done in “.json” format, go back and export it in this format. Make sure that you choose the plain, unencrypted “.json” format, not “.json (Encypted)”. Then import using the “Bitwarden (json)” format.

Direct to web with Chrome.
Bitwarden ( ) not seen or available.
Plain JSON exported, not encrypted.

If by “direct to web”, you mean the Web Vault (, then this is what the file format selection menu should look like. Select “Bitwarden (json)”:

Downloaded the Desktop version.
Imported my old vault, all looking good.
Checked with web browser and vault is showing there.
Off to bed, continue later

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No, nothing like that. File format is truncated to a couple of lines at the top, ala my photo. BW selection doesn’t exist.
To be continued at a later date, cheers.

A post was merged into an existing topic: What’s going on? Vault import weird