Though, it sounds a bit odd, what you wrote. If you were logged out in the app, that means, that also the local copy of your vault would have been deleted. If you turned off your WiFi, then you simply shouldn’t be able to log in, as there is no vault to “access”. - That means, you probably never were logged out, but only “locked”. - You may want to read about the difference between logging in and unlocking.
This was my first time setting up the app on the phone, so logging in was the step that wasn’t working. I just confirmed by actually logging out and trying to log back in again - still got an error until I turned off the wifi (meaning I switched to cellular data).
That makes sense, if the vault is local after that point, it doesn’t matter whether it can talk to the internet.
Thank you for this. I was on the phone with my mom for a couple hours trying to help her troubleshoot this exact issue. Turning off the wifi makes no sense to me; I would never have figured it out without reading your answer.
@scampbllasn@SierraMyk I’m myself not familiar with the details of that question, but obviously there are circumstances that a certain internet connection doesn’t work. One “extreme” example: if your IP was blocked for whatever reason - if you switch the network, you try it with another IP… and then it works.
I finally got around to trying this on a different network. It didn’t seem to have the issue that time, so maybe there’s something to the IP idea. I don’t know of any other problems with that network being blocked, though.
New year, same old problems with login. I can’t login from my iphone or ipad again. Last year (beginning of 2024) I went through a week of troubleshooting with a Bitwarden support guy who was very nice but could not resolve it. Ultimately, I had to use a new email address and transfer my account details because of the login bug. Looks like Bitwarden has not fixed it because it suddenly starting happening again at the beginning of 2025. I’m seriously considering just moving onto another tool. I’m not going to change my email account every year because of this.
Does anyone know how to fix this or is the only option again to change to another email address?
Could you please provide some more details than that?
What error message do you get?
Can it be, you’re just locked and not logged out on your iPhone and iPad?
If you’re just locked, then try to unlock.
Did you try to deinstall and reinstall the app?
Did you deactivate “smart punctuation”? (that can change the input on iOS keyboards)
Did you try to log in to the server region, you have your account on (US/.com or EU/.eu)?
Or are you self-hosting? If yes, which server version?
Can you still login to the web vault??
If that doesn’t work also, did you check for typos in your email and master password?
Or can it be, you changed your email and/or master password some time ago and forgot about it?
Do you have an emergency sheet, where you can check if you are using the right email address and master password?
Did you try to turn off WiFi temporarily on your phone (i.e. changing to cellular)? That can help in certain situations.
I was experiencing the same issue. Unable to log in on iOS app, error message said username or password was incorrect. Tried multiple times and reinstalled app. Was able to log in on website and browser extension. Turning off Wi-Fi and logging in on cellular connection solved the problem.
BUT then I tried logging in again later and it started working again! YAY. Unfortunately I don’t know which of the things made it work for me. So sorry I can’t help pin point my specific issue and what resolved it.