Issue: I have a pipeline script that calls bws 6 times in succession to retrieve 6 specific secrets which hits the API rate limit.
Current work around: Adding a sleep to the retrieval process
Preferred path: Documented API rate limits and the ability to raise them.
Absolutely agree. I created a related topic in April 2023. After some discussion in the thread, and a long email thread with Bitwarden support and a couple members of the BWS project team, rate limits were increased.
However, as you’ve described, they are still far lower than I would like (and I’m not a heavy user most of the time, it’s all burst usage, e.g. running an Ansible playbook which looks up a dozen or so secrets in quick succession).
I find it quite shocking that the limits are entirely undocumented.
While it may not be of much use for your purposes, I feel it’s worth mentioning bws-cache - a read-through cache & REST API for BWS secrets.
I’ve found it to be incredibly useful for avoiding running into rate limits under burst usage conditions such as described above.
Full disclosure: a friend of mine and I are the creators & maintainers of this project.