Browser biometrics need desktop client to be unlocked?

I have configured the desktop app & browser extension to work together to let me unlock the vault using biometrics. Both use a timeout and are locked most of the time. Since some update a few weeks ago, I can’t biometrics-unlock the browser extension anymore while the desktop app is locked. (! - it’s locked! I’m logged into both apps)

I actually get an error message that explicitly explains this:

My question is why? Why would I want this? I need to unlock two apps now every time instead of just one. Is this a bug / broken feature?

For details, instead of just touching my fingerprint sensor, I need to (1) open the bitwarden app from my dock, (2) click “Unlock via TouchID”, (3) touch the fingerprint sensor, (4) minimize, (5), open the browser extension, (6) touch the fingerprint sensor again. - For no apparent reason?

I’m on Mac.


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