In regards to the new update to the browser extension UI, I’d like to please request the Fill button be changed to Edit and then the Fill functionality be switched back to triggering Autofill when clicking on whole of the login card itself.
So in the above image example, clicking anywhere on the Github (login) card will trigger the Autofill of the login forms; aside from the Edit, Copy and 3 dot menu, of course, as those have their own functionality.
Came here to post this. Another change to this section is that ‘copy password’ and ‘copy username’ are now both under ‘copy’ and thus require an extra click to perform their respective functions. Perhaps a small thing to complain about but the old way was better than this and it feels like a significant enough regression (muscle memory really messing with me on this one) to report.
That is not necessarily the case, as you can set that back to the old separate copy buttons now: Settings → Appearance → “Show quick copy actions on Vault”
I see the stickied message at the top now. Sorry for missing that one. And thanks for your first reply! Glad to see Bitwarden listening to users (when users are reasonable, I hope!).
So I can go change that option, thanks! But the point has been missed, in my opinion. A new user is still stuck with a default UI that undermines the purpose of a password manager.
Why isn’t the autofill button in the View Login screen anymore? By default? These two changes, together, are the problem. The user ends up on View Login by accident… where the core function has been removed entirely.
99 / 100 times I launch the Bitwarden extension, I want to auto-fill on the tab I am currently on. I assume the vast majority of users are the same. The auto-fill functionality has been diminished or removed from the primary screens the user engages with. And 99 / 100, I have to back up and try again bc of the UI changes.