So if i go into help → check for update I get" no updates available…" even though this is false since several additional releases are already available at github. Releases · bitwarden/clients · GitHub
I was on Desktop v2024.12.1 i think but on github they where serving up Desktop v2025.1.2
Is this intentional or a bug?
I know some companies likes to do phased releases but since the app claims I’m on the latest version then that would be lying.
I’m not sure why, but I hope this works for you. As far as I know, the desktop version isn’t on a phased rollout (there’s no reason for that), and I haven’t heard of one happening before.
How did you originally get the app on your desktop? Did you download it from the company’s website or the Windows app store?
If you got it from the company’s website or GitHub, you can just download the latest version and install it over the old one.
I got it bitwarden’s website or github as I’ve never used microsoft’s store.
Yeah, thats what I did, but i was expecting the client to update reliably on it’s own and not having to force feed it every freaking update.
I doubt most people keep track of new releases like I do, nor should they need to.
If other people have experienced this issue please leave a comment and perhaps the developers will notice and come up with a fix if this indeed is a bug like it seems.
@wishy-washy@Neuron5569 … from my personal experience with one Windows 11 desktop and one Windows 11 laptop, I would say that the desktop app updates can come with a delay.
Though I don’t know the criteria for that… For quite some time, I got the update almost instantly after release on GithHub on my laptop - but with a delay of some days on my desktop. (I think I now have the delay on the laptop also, for the last couple of months)
Both desktop apps are not via the Microsoft Store.
I never thought of this as a bug - maybe it is some intentional delay before the auto-update takes place. (e.g. I think I saw some “hotfix updates” arriving instantly, while other updates have the delay again)
Okay, They’re probably doing phased roll outs then.
If Phased roll outs are indeed a fact then they should clearly communicate this fact to us, the users.
PS. found this in the release notes, it proves they’ve been doing phased roll outs in the past.
Account Switching for Desktop:
Log in to up to 5 accounts at once in the Bitwarden desktop app. This is the beginning of a phased rollout of this feature across Bitwarden apps, with more to come soon (see here).