Bitwarden not asking to save password

My trial came to a screeching halt today based on this lack of functionality. So far i really liked its features and layout as far as organizations and collections went. That said, im not able to consider it until it can offer to save passwords on window 11 properly. Is there an update out there?

Same problem here, W10 Pro, fully up to date.
Not once did Bitwarden offer me to save a new login/pwd.
The browser’s own Password manager is disabled (Firefox & Google Chrome).

I paid a year in advance for Bitwarden …

If it’s been less than 30 days since you signed up, you can contact support to request a refund.

That being said, have you confirmed that under Settings > Options in your browser extension, you have enabled “Ask to add login” and “Ask to update existing login”, and that the exclusion list under Settings > Excluded Domains is empty?

Personally, I don’t understand the appeal of this function, as it is easier to just set up a new account directly in the browser extension.

Hi grb,

It’s been more than 30 days indeed (time constraints) and yes, the mentioned options are well enabled.

The appeal of this function is when you have to create a account/login on some website (which can happen several times a day). Generally you fill in the forms and don’t have the time at the same moment to open Bitwarden, create a new ID/PWD, specially for less IT oriented users.
The browsers pwd manager is well being able to do that? So it seems like a legit function (to me anyway). I manage the 5 family members which are no IT people. Asking them any supplementary steps to take care of is too much for them.

Which leads me to the next problem with Bitwarden: I can’t bulk-copy credentials to collections, even if I tick them all. Only one at a time (the first selected) gets ever copied over. I have more than a thousand of these to attribute …

But thank you for trying to help, much appreciated. :wink:

You would still have to open (unlock) Bitwarden to save the passwords in your vault — passwords cannot be saved into a locked vault.

The total number of steps required to complete password registration in a registration form outside of Bitwarden (and then saving the password into Bitwarden) is actually greater than total number of steps to set up the account directly in the Bitwarden extension (and then transfer the info to the registration form). This is why I don’t understand the appeal of the “Save login” method.

But I concede that the alternative is a new workflow that must be learned, so if you have old dogs who are unable/unwilling to learn new tricks, then you may be stuck with the more conventional/inefficient/unreliable approach.

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Thanks, didn’t know that.

I’ll try to teach them old dogs new tricks then. :blush:

Here are the instructions for the trick:

Finding myself on an account registration form, and assuming my Bitwarden browser extension is logged in but locked (most common scenario), I go through the following steps, all within the browser extension:

  1. Unlock the browser extension (click Bitwarden :shield: icon and verify your identity using a PIN or biometrics).
  2. Click :heavy_plus_sign: (or the “Add a Login” link).
  3. Type the desired username (or generate a random one).
  4. Click the :arrows_counterclockwise: icon the in Password field (generate password).
  5. Click Select in the upper right corner.
  6. Click Save in the upper right corner.
  7. You will now see the new vault item listed at the top of the browser extension’s “Tab” page    →    click on the website name (which will transfer your username and password to the website’s account registration form.

Now the account registration form can be submitted.

The above method will always capture the password, so it is much more reliable than the “Ask to add login” method. Once you get used to the above workflow, you can disable the options “Ask to add login” and “Ask to update existing login”.

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OK, understood.
That’s what I figured myself this morning (or clicking on “New item” or something alike, when clicking into a form field).

I’m all new to this as well and the only one speaking English to rtfm and sort it out for everyone here.

I much appreciate your help, really do.
Thanks a lot grb :wink:

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Got same issue: for a several months can’t see any save password prompt.

@Roman_Kuzmin Welcome to the forum!

Have you checked whether the options “Ask to add login” and “Ask to update existing login” (under Settings > Options) are still enabled? Also, go to Settings > Excluded Domains and clear out any domains listed there (by clicking the red circled minus sign in front of each domain name).

Yes, I did
And I have JS error from Extension (can’t attach screenshot as I am new user):

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'vault')
    at notificationBar.js:356:82
    at (<anonymous>)
    at fulfilled (notificationBar.js:260:58)

This is the part with an error:

if (userSettingsStorageValue[activeUserId]) {
            const userSettings = userSettingsStorageValue[activeUserId].settings;
            const globalSettings = (yield getFromLocalStorage(globalStorageKey))[globalStorageKey];
            // Do not show the notification bar on the Bitwarden vault
            // because they can add logins and change passwords there
            if (window.location.origin === userSettings.serverConfig.environment.vault) {
                showNotificationBar = false;

Seems you have enough information to report this as a bug on GitHub.