Bitwarden login problems (maybe with Chrome)

I have been bitwarden user for several years. Recently I experienced the web-vault login issue on my desktop (username/password incorrect error). However, my Chrome’s BW extension will accept the same password (on the same desktop) and also my iPhone’s BW app (accept facial to login). I also able to use a different browser such as Bing to login to BW on the same desktop. Even when I copy and paste the password from a text file, Bing was okay but Chrome still rejected as an error (username or password are incorrect error).

When I trying to login to this community forums, the same password was also rejected as incorrect. I have to use my Google account to login to this forum.

Any thought of possible issues? The desktop was Windows 11 with Russian and Chinese language installed.


I am having the exact same problem as of a few minutes ago. The Bitwarden Google Chrome extension, mobile app, and desktop app all accept my password. However, accessing the web vault directly from a google chrome webpage does not. Logging in to my vault using Microsoft Edge also works. I had to create an account for community forums using Microsoft Edge. Desktop uses Windows 10. I am also on the latest version of Google Chrome 123.0.6312.86 official build.

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@KJYang & @Jace Welcome to the forum!

The Community Forum login credentials are different from your Bitwarden vault credentials (at least they should be, unless you’ve re-used your master password, which is a big security risk).

When logging in to the Web app, are you going to or to At the bottom of the login form, does it say “Server:” or “Server:”? Please make sure that the server that you are attempting to log in to matches the server where you originally registered your Bitwarden account.

the web vault is https:\ and the server is I registered my account in US.

I have no problem to login to the vault from bing browser. I can also login from my iPad with Chrome App. Only the Chrome from my desktop causes the issue. Must be the problem with my desktop/Chrome combination.

Thank you for the welcome! Not sure if this was also directed to me, but yes the url is and the server is Same as Yang, this is only an issue with Google Chrome. Microsoft Edge works using the exact same settings, url, and credentials.

What exactly is the issue you are experiencing? Is it always the exact error message shown below?


yes. this is the error message I got when I use Chrome to login to web vault.

If I use Edge browser, the same email/password combination went through without issue. Both my wife and I each have one bitwarder account and we use the same desktop. Can this be a factor?

I would be surprised if that is a factor, but can you try clearing the browser cache and restarting the browser?

Also, please double-check and triple check that the Server selection is correct when you log in on Chrome. Just because it is correct on one browser or app doesn’t mean it will be correct on all browsers.

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Aha, Thank you very much.

I cleared the cache of the Chrome browser and tried to login and it works like a charm!

Thanks a million!

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You’re welcome! Hopefully, this also solves @Jace’s issue.

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