website support multiple languages

Feature name

Official website in multiple languages

Feature function

  1. What will this feature do differently?
    Each user will be able to view the site in their official language, native

  2. What benefits will this feature bring?

    • This could make Bitwarden even more popular, common. Many people don’t speak English. My goal in requesting this feature would be to promote Website Bitwarden by the language the user knows, speaks, the native language the user understands. Most open source solutions have a website, and on the official websites of these open source solutions - you select the language to better understand the product, etc.
    • A good example of this is React - here is the link:
    • I know that browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox etc have automatic translation feature for websites that are not in the official language in English and translate this website into English or any other language etc.
    • Most of these translations are good in most cases, but they don’t work in all cases. There are words that are not translatable to other languages. And that’s a problem in automatic language translation. In this case, it is best to translate manually. A good example of this is some software expressions or words - some translate the software into another language. A good example of this is Bitwarden itself, which has a version in several languages, and that’s great. But the site does not have a translation.
  3. Concept?

  1. What does this promote? What is the purpose of this feature?

    • Promote product/company through the Bitwarden website to other people who do not know English for their native language, language that the user knows
    • Increase or make even more popular or common a product/company through the Bitwarden website for other people who do not know English for their native language, language that the user knows
  2. Notes?

    • It would be necessary to have a json and/or text file to be translated - so everyone would have access to the site in their native language
  3. Samples?

6.1 Notes

# ptbrWebsiteBitwarden.php
"Products" -> "Produtos"
"Download"-> "Download"
"Pricing"-> "Preço"
"Help"-> "Ajuda"
"Contact"-> "Contato"
"Business Sales"-> "Negócios & Vendas"

Related topics + references

  • Are there any related topics that may help explain the need and function of this feature?
  • Are there any references to this feature or function on other platforms that may be helpful?
  • Localization | Bitwarden Help Center