Bitwarden App on the laptop changed - not the phone

[wringing hands] When something changes without an announcement, especially my password manager, it gets my attention.

Two days or more ago I was logged out of Bitwarden on the laptop. When I went to log in things had changed in layout. I couldn’t use fingerprint. Password required I stopped… When I used my cell all was normal. Back to the laptop: log in from a different device. Notification is supposedly sent with a different fingerprint phrase. The notification never arrived after a few tries. Something is not working… When something doesn’t work on a password manager that has a point of failure I STOP.

Laptop updates have come over time but never like this. I WAS NOT GOING TO ENTER MY MASTER PASSWORD until I know what’s going on. No announcements on the login page and no paid customer email.

For apps like password manager things need to be consistent. Notification either on the various apps, etc. beforehand. Or is that a problem too? I could uninstall Bitwarden from the laptop and reinstall. But at this point I am using the phone.

What the heck?

Hey @BBA, were you just posting to vent, or do you need assistance with anything?

Has anyone else seen a very recent change of the Windows login screen and associated with the inability to use a fingerprint (Hello)?

Are you referring to logging in to the Windows operating system? What version of Windows do you have? Type Win+R and then enter winver to find your exact version.

OK, here is an example of what I and referring to in this topic:

The above screen just appeared. The version is 2024.4.1 so obviously recent. I log in with Windows 10 Home, 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor. Entering the email address takes me to the next screen. I have no option using my fingerprint reader via Windows Hello now. My options are the password or log in from a different device. Obviously logging in from a different device (Android phone) doesn’t work anymore nor is the fingerprint via Hello offered as an option now.

A charge in Bitwarden’s log in process after an automatic update isn’t entirely surprising but with no notification from Bitwarden by email or a temporary notice on the log in screen it leaves me wondering if this is for real or not. I find nothing on Bitwarden’s site or in this forum. Needless to say it makes a few hairs on the back of my neck stand up as suspicious.

Has anyone else experienced this change?

Windows Hello was never available as an option for logging in to your Bitwarden Desktop app. It was always just for unlocking the app after you were already logged in.

So the only thing that has changed is that your Desktop app got logged out. Log back in by entering your email address, master password, and 2FA (if configured), and then you should be able to unlock with Windows Hello as before.

Why would that be obvious? If you previously have been logged in on the Desktop app, and if your mobile app has been configured to approve logins, then there is no obvious reason why the “Login with Device” option shouldn’t work.

Logging in vs unlocking: that makes perfect sense. I’ll proceed now.

For the different device I’ll troubleshoot once logged in. It is a simple answer once I clarified what I was experiencing. I have gotten more careful over time with things that don’t seem right. Thanks for staying with me due to this confusion on my part.

Thank you.

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