Biometric unlock new Android app

I use the Beta build of the Android App.
Instead of the old / not nativ App the new App disable maybe every week? (Dont sure If it is a number of days or number of Logins) The biometric authentification / Login and i have to Login by Passwort and enable biometric at settings again.
This is anoying.
Is that normal?

This doesn’t happen to me.

Are you sure you aren’t clearing application storage for the application? That would cause what you are seeing to occur.

Which version?

I encountered that also with the Android beta versions… Since a few weeks and with the last versions, it works again for me. (I’m currently, via GitHub, on 2024.12.0)

Version: 2024.11.1 (19422) the Version from the App Store.

@bwuser10000 yes iam sure, today it happen after one biometric auth this morning.

So i wait for the Update 2024.12

I updated from GitHub now and testing the next days