Best 2FA App For iOS

I have been using Raivo until recently and just came across information that they have been acquired. There seems to be no further information about their future plans.

I have seen recommendations such as Ente authenticator online, which I believe requires an account to use (happy to be corrected if this is wrong) and 2FAS authenticator.

Not sure of the pros and cons of either, but would like to hear from others on what they are currently using.

Check out The 3 Best Two-Factor Authentication Apps of 2023 | Reviews by Wirecutter
They explain their decisions and testing methodology and list a few other apps that didn’t make their cut and reasons why.

  1. I am an Android user. Been using Authy until recently; was becoming unhappy because a) uses 4-digit PIN protection, and b) UI that starts getting annoying with so many entries. The TOTP secrets aren’t exportable, so you have to backup the secrets some other way to move off the platform. (There seemed to be some non-sanctioned tool available).

  2. For Ente, as you probably already know, it is open-sourced. The emphasis seems to be to provide a cross-platform app, with seamless syncing, which is why the account creation. A developer seems to indicate that, you can have it in an offline mode (haven’t tried this): Ente Authenticator (2FA) - #7 by ua741 - Tool Suggestions - Privacy Guides

  3. I am currently using 2FAS. Have been waffling between 2FAS and Aegis. Love 2FAS’ interface from the get-go, though. It isn’t really cross-platformed. Android uses Google cloud, and iOS uses Apple cloud. The way it works (saving to the cloud immediately, reading from the cloud), I believe it does sync across devices. On iOS, the cloud encryption key seems to be limited, i.e. “is constant”: Add 2FAS (Authenticator App) - Tool Suggestions - Privacy Guides

Thank you to both of you for the information and links. I will do further reading.

I’m using Google Auth. They work great cuz now they already have sync tho