how to autofill login/password in 1 step on this website? password field only displayed after login is filled

Hi, When you want to sign in on Connexion | Beebs
the webpage only displays the login field:

The password field is only being displayed after the login field is filled:

This is causing an issue when using Bitwarden autofill, as you cannot autofill in 1 single step, you have to autofill in 2 steps! This isn’t very pleasant and time-consuming.
In addition to that this is causing a major point of failure when you have multiple accounts for this domain, as you can easily select by mistake the login of one account and the password of the other account, which you never want to do :unamused:.

With Bitwarden is there a way to auto-fill on in 1 single step? Regards

I can’t fully research this issue, since I do not have an account on that website, but generally, I would recommend autofilling using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+L. When you get to the second page, press the same keyboard combination again, and Bitwarden will always autofill the correct password (even if you have multiple accounts).

I was unable to test this, but it is possible that enabling “Autofill on Page Load” for this login item may also be a potential solution.

I have sent you my email address by private message to test.
Since your email is not associated with an account, the website redirects you to the Signup webpage. My email address is associated with an existing account, the website displays the password field. But this password is not auto-filled with the login.

On Grammarly Login | Grammarly , the password field is also hidden at first, but when Bitwarden is auto-filled the login, the password field is then auto-filled, which is nice.

Thank you for sending the email address. Unfortunately, testing revealed that using “Autofill on Page Load” does not work on this website.

Your best option is to use the method I had suggested above: use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+L twice (once to autofill the email address, and then again to autofill the password.

Other autofilling methods (other than “Autofill on Page Load”) also work, but have to be done twice (once for each input field).

The only other thing you can do is to complete Bitwarden’s Autofill Failure Report form to report the issue with encountered with this website.