Feature Name - Auto password change
I know this is a long shot because it involves many stakeholders (most are external), but the implementation itself is not. This would be a great step forward in password hygiene and re-securing compromised accounts.
I would like to request to have an API available where, by clicking the option “renovate password”, it would automatically communicate with the associated website, request a password change and attribute one. Since I already don’t know my password, I also don’t need to know what they’ve been changed to, as when a manual change is done.
- The benefits it brings are an always strong and secure vault, exponential increase in password hygiene, and the ability to quickly and seamlessly re-secure a vault that has potentially been compromised before the hackers are able to brute force even a single password.
I think if this feature were to be developed, it would instantly stand out among the other password managers, and since it would probably become a standard, it would make BitWarden an even bigger pioneer in this space. If we’re already considering websites having /.well-known/change-password, this would be the next natural step in the process, where they would simply add a snippet to include the API.