Autofill resulting in "no items in your vault", both iOS app as Chrome extension

Using a 7-day trial instance on iPhone 15 with Bitwarden app, set as the only autofill source for passwords in the iOS settings.
Whenever I try to login, tapping ‘passwords’, Bitwarden app opens, but resulting in “There are no items in your vault for this website/app.”
When I manually search for the website/app name, it finds the entry.

Experiencing the same issue with the Bitwarden extension in Chrome, logged in to the account. Whenever I try autofilling an account, Bitwarden extension reports no entry found, and having to search manually.

Trying out Bitwarden to maybe move away from Keepass. However, this manual search is keeping me from deciding for Bitwarden.
Have tried different settings for session time-out, same result every time.

What is causing this behaviour, and how to solve this?
Thanks in advance.

@moonbelly Hi!

I send you a DM after I closed the other thread…

Yes, afterwards I tried the same but insteek of Vaultwarden, I tried the official account on With the same behaviour.
Or are you referring to another reply?

UPDATE: I think I know the problem. I have 600+ passwords stored in my Keepass database, which I access through Strongbox app in iOS. Most of these passwords don’t have the URL field populated. Instead the name of the password itself refers to the domain name, e.g.
When using autofill with Strongbox, it finds these entries based on the password name, yet Bitwarden doesn’t seem to work like that. Only when I populate the URL field, Bitwarden finds it.

Is it possible to configure Bitwarden (both iOS and Chrome extension, same behaviour) in such a way that when the URL field is missing, it matches the desired password based on the name field?



And I might add, that is also part of the security… only autofilling on the right and corresponding URLs… I wonder, how it worked with “Strongbox” - like when a fake website claimed to be a certain website (just using the same name), it would fill in your credentials also on a fake or phishing website? That doesn’t sound very secure. I wouldn’t want to use that anyway, so adding the URLs in Bitwarden might be a painful work at first, but you gain in security here, IMHO, if you go that route.

PS: I used KeePassXC before changing to Bitwarden - and that also worked with URLs for auto-filling… And about every password manager works with using the corresponding URLs before ever auto-filling something (apart from forced-filling…), so I think you had a very peculiar solution up until now.

OK. Thanks for your response.

Looking at strongbox it uses url to match. Confirmed by their documentation and even screen shots. That appears to be the only conceivable way it would match in your setup.

For the urls not populating maybe there is something else not working, maybe not showing in the app but they exist in the database or something. There is no other way it can do a match based on password.

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@Gerardv514 Thanks! I already wanted to add (to my previous post), that I don’t know how “Strongbox” works and it might work completely different than it sounded for me here.

Anyway, Bitwarden needs the URLs in the login items, there’s no way around it. And @moonbelly you wrote, they are also not in the KeePass database of yours… otherwise I would have thought now, that the import into Bitwarden didn’t transfer the URLs. (so again, I have no idea, how “Strongbox” worked there for you, compensating for the missing URLs in your KeePass database… PS: is it possible, you just imported your KeePass database into Strongbox, and Strongbox added those URLs while using it? → then maybe you should export from Strongbox, getting those URLs to Bitwarden)

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You my find it helpful to export your vault to a CSV and mess with it inside a spreadsheet to copy the urls from the “name” to the “login_uri”.

Do be aware that the CSV does not have “fancy things” in it, such as passkeys and attachments so there is risk of data loss, and when re-importing, the old entries will not be overwritten, so you will need to take measures to identify/remove duplicates

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