Autofill not working on Safari macOS and iOS

I just transferred my vault from 1password and trying to use the autofill feature but no site is suggested and the only thing showing up is this “No items to show” when clicking on the login box. Do you have to manually search for it in the extension the first time and save it, for it to show up next time? Is there a faster way? any help would be appreciated.
Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 4.42.17 PM

Safari 17.4.1 macOS 14.4.1

This would appear to indicate that you don’t have any items in your vault with a matching URL. Have you checked to see if you have a corresponding vault item for the web site you are trying to log in to?

Click “new item”. In the new entry will be a URL. Copy this entry and added paste it onto the desired vault entry. No need to save the “new item”.

I exported the vault from 1Password. Guess I have to manually look for the login then save the autofill for it to recognize it next time. Was wondering if there was a faster way.

clicking on “new item” doesn’t do anything only way the autofill shows up is if I manually search for the login then click on “autofill and save” then next time when I click on login it shows up.

Figured it out I exported .csv instead of .1pif. CSV didn’t import URI’s.

Figured it out I exported .csv instead of .1pif. CSV didn’t import URI’s. Should be good now.

Yes. After importing it is always a good idea to look at a few items to make sure everything was imported properly.