Autofill fails for apps using a browser to authenticate


I’ve noticed that certain Android apps e.g. Tado, BBC Weather use some kind of a browser session/window (or whatever the correct terminology is) to authenticate at first run i.e. and not the app itself.

The issue is that even though I have all of Bitwarden’s autofill options on, (and I’ve not heard anything to lead me to do anything else in my vain attempt to get android and BW autofill to work properly) Bitwarden’s autofill searches for an app called “com.sec.and…” i.e. which is the truncated view of the unfriendly app name (I don’t know the correct terminology) versus the friendly ‘normal’ app name as seen in Google Play store. I finally found that it was using “” which apparently is the Samsung Internet Browser.

Apart from dispaying the unfriendy ‘techie’ android app name, Bitwarden isn’t searching on the original app name but some other browser, which of course doesn’t match any vault logins.
Is this planned to be fixed?