Auto-type/Autofill for logging into other desktop apps

Something that I’ve been pretty curious so far… Sorry if I didn’t dig it up on the web properly, but you probably have the answer on the tip of your tongue.

On various (and overall) softwares (and apps), like mentioned above on OP, is it even possible to “read” each field that is on the specific software or we have to use the manual auto-type function?

I mean, as custom fields on the web platforms, (webpages, forms, etc) are recognizable, but I’ve been asking the same thing for each separate Windows (or other platforms) softwares. Or even on Android.

I was about to create a new thread to ask for that custom fields feature, so it would auto-fill each field separately. If you got me right, I may ask for that feature on a separate thread.

You can see it better on this screenshot:

Are those fields even readable or they are hidden (in all forms) for the devs and auto-filling platforms (as each software/app has its own structure)?