Auto-save generated passwords

In most cases, feature requests tend to take quite a while to get implemented, even after they have made it onto the Roadmap (which the present feature request has not, nearly five years after the original suggestion was posted). Thus, for anybody who is still having issues with “lost” passwords, I would strongly recommend that you adopt/adapt the approach that had been suggested by David H above, since this method will guarantee that you never lose another password. I personally use the following variation of the method described previously:

  1. Disable Ask to add login.

  2. When you’re on a website’s account registration screen, before typing anything into the web form, open the Bitwarden browser extension — all of the steps below (except the last one) are performed in the browser extension.

  3. Click Add a login or :heavy_plus_sign:, which opens the vault item creation form and prefills the correct URL.

  4. Enter the desired username in the username field, and click the generate button (:arrows_counterclockwise:) in the password field, which takes you to the password generator.

  5. Click the “Select” button (top right) in the password generator, which transfers the generated password to the login item.

  6. Click the “Save” button (top right) to save the newly created login item — because the password is now saved in the vault, it is impossible to lose it.

  7. Scroll down and click the Auto-fill button, which will transfer the username and password from the vault to the website’s account creation form.

  8. Submit the account creation form.


The above may not be what you’re used to, but it is the same amount of work (or less) than using the auto-save (Ask to save login) feature, and it prevents password loss 100% of the time. Thus, if you’re currently frustrated by loss of passwords due to failed auto-save attempts, you might as well give this approach a try while you’re waiting for Bitwarden to improve the robustness of their auto-save algorithms.