✅ Auto-fill functionality for identities in the Vault tab

When I want to fill my name, address, phone number and whatsoever into a webform, I find it a little bit clumsy to control Bitwarden. I would expect a mouseclick on the corresponding item in the bitwarden vault would do it. But this opens the item for being edited. The auto-fill command is hidden behind the three-dots-menu and this requires one more mouseclick. My proposal is to handle this the other way round:

  • mouseclick on the item auto-fills the identity data
  • mouseclick on the three-dots-menu allows «Edit» «Remove from Favourites» and «Duplicate»
    You will most probably fill-in, rather than edit.

Have you enabled the option “Click items to autofill on Vault view” (under Settings > Autofill)?

The option «Click items to autofill on Vault view» was disabled. Thank you for the hint. Enabling it did not change anything. Do I need to restart something?

It is supposed to take immediate effect, but I noticed myself when testing it that sometimes the setting change is delayed. Restarting the browser may help.

I am experiencing a different behaviour with Firefox and Edge.

With Edge it works; there is a Button [Autofill] that has not been there before.
With Firefox there is no Button [Autofill] and clicking the item still executes the action «View identity».

Firefox and Edge are on very different extension versions right now, as Mozilla’s review for it’s “app store” takes a long time more often than not.

With Edge, you are probably now on the “brand new” extension version 2025.1.3 already, and thereby have the new option “Always show cards/identities as autofill suggestions on Vault view” - before, it was only “Show cards/identities as autofill suggestions on Vault view”. With that change, cards and identities got “autofill functionality” (the “Fill-button” or “click item to autofill”) back.

But, as far as I know, that is “only” working in the “autofill suggestions” section of the “Vault” tab. Not in or for the “Favorites” section.

Your screenshot for Firefox shows the “Favorites” section - and as written before, this section doesn’t have “autofill functionality”, be it the current Firefox extension 2024.12.4 or the current new extensions 2025.1.3… So even when Firefox get’s the last extension updates, that will only bring the changes for the “autofill suggestions” section, as described above for Edge…

And Firefox will get the updates - but Mozilla “decides” how long that will take. :man_shrugging:

PS: As I looked into your first post again, I close this feature request now, as your requested auto-fill ability for identities (and cards) is coming back right now with extension version 2025.1.3 and above.

Settings → Autofill → “Always show identities as autofill suggestions on Vault view”

(for cards: Settings → Autofill → “Always show cards as autofill suggestions on Vault view”)

Feel free to open a new feature request if you see the need for more/other changes, based on that new implementation of 2025.1.3+. :slightly_smiling_face:

PS: I changed the title from “Fill Identity: accessibility is clumsy” to “Auto-fill functionality for identities in the Vault tab”.

PPS: Additionally, it seems in one of the next releases, we will “get back” sub-headers/sub-categories in the auto-fill suggestions for identities (and cards), as you can see here: