Does this mean it would be possible to add an arm64 build to the Flathub flatpak? Would be great if so!
Currently I cannot install the bitwarden client on an arm64 linux because in difference to windows and macos it has no execution layer which allows running x64 binaries on an arm64 (armv8 and newer).
Same for the selfhosting - I could not use a raspberry PI for running (or any other arm64 based servers) for hosting bitwarden because it is only x64.
I think this should be made possible - arm is the upcoming architecture even in server environments. And using Apples rosetta or the layer in windows for the bw-clients results in an increased energy consumption on notebooks so a native arm64 client would be great.
And yes - I see that youâre using dotnet and mssql (whyever) so it isnât that easy to create an arm64 enabled self-hosting solution. But at least the clientsâŚ
+1 would be great if the snap package could support arm64
$ sudo snap install bitwarden
error: snap "bitwarden" is not available on stable for this architecture (arm64) but exists on
other architectures (amd64).
Feature name
- Port bitwarden server to Linux Arm64/Aarch64 platform
Feature function
- Currently bitwarden server is only available on linux amd64 platform
- Porting to the arm64 platform will allow us to host it on arm64 servers and take advantage of arm64 resources like Oracle Cloudâs Always Free Tier (Cloud Free Tier | Oracle)
Related topics + references
- Current on-premises install for Linux (only amd64): Install and Deploy - Linux | Bitwarden Help & Support
Looks like base docker images that bitwarden uses are available for arm, so whatâs the holdup with rebuilding binaries?
Could you provide where you are seeing that the Bitwarden releases of Docker are supporting ARM?
As I can tell neither the server container, nor any other containers published by the Bitwarden Team currently support ARM.
You may be looking at a different Docker hub page with perhaps another similar software.
I looked at this and checked that the base image they use does have arm versions, so thatâs one less part that could cause problems.
I donât know if server has any weird dependencies that would make it impossible to just build for arm, but it should not. Most of existing software works fine on linux with arm.
I suppose the main problem is the MSSQL database server which is not available for ARM:
Interesting. I canât imagine something like a password manager using any features of the database other than just the most basic ones. If itâs the case, it should be easy to switch to another RDBMS.
Is it possible to follow the build instructions here and end up with something usable in phosh?
Second this, like bitwarden-arm64 or something in terms of flavors.
A year later and still no arm 64 support. Please sort this out Bitwarden. Raspberry piâs are among the most popular machines. Need this yesterday!
I did it, but it was a pain. Took few hours and needed the source code editing.
Congrats! @pavel-krasnov - any chance you could post your recipe?
I successfully built and deployed a self-hosted Bitwarden server Docker image for ARM64 architecture. You can check it out on my Docker Hub: jacktsang2ayâs Profile | Docker Hub.
For those interested in setting up Bitwarden on their own infrastructure, I highly recommend reviewing the official Bitwarden Linux offline deployment guide. It provides step-by-step instructions for installation and self-hosting: Bitwarden Offline Deployment Guide.
For anyone interested in the build process, I simply cloned the Bitwarden GitHub repository, installed the .NET SDK 8.0, and ran the build script provided in the repo.
Official arm64 support would be great. ARM architecture is widely used today on e.g. Hetzner because it is more cost effective compared to amd64.