i had a similar situation as OP and used the advice provided here to address it. in doing some significant cleaning and re-arranging of my vault i was looking at the uri matching rules available per uri entry on a record. if you set the matching rule to never, the record will not appear in the tab page of the browser extension, making them disappear from the auto-fill options when attempting to login to a specific site.
coupled with advanced search queries (https://bitwarden.com/help/article/searching-vault) you can with relative ease eliminate the “archived” records from most views and searches, without deleting or otherwise removing them from your vault.
example i have an old reddit account i no longer use, but because it had a long life-cycle still contains information that i want to access, so i do not deactivate it. but when i go to reddit i do not want to see it in the list of auto-fill options and if i am searching for something that might share the same username and i want to exclude these from search results i can use the advanced search (’>’ enables this) with the ‘-’ prefix to exclude terms from the search. in my case i use a boolean “archive” field to tag my archived items instead of a folder. but the folder, tag, or including something specific in the “name” field would work. the search then becomes >[search criteria] -[archive indicator] ex: >reddit -archive returns all my records that include “reddit” unless they also include “archive”.
as long as you are careful you could probably find a single character, or very short sequence of them, to tag your archived items so you do not have to write out “-archive” in every search you do. update: quick test reveals “#” and “@” to work for this, without interfering with reserved characters in advanced search. so my new scheme will be appending " - archive" to the name, setting uri matching to never, and boolean “@”:true custom field. this will return correct results with “archive” or “>@” and allow easy exclusions from other searches.
i hope this helps others for the interim period before we get true archive functionality.