Android app - 2FA webauthn not working

Logging back into my vault using the Android app (on Android 14). I have webauthn enabled for my account.

When I attempt to log into the phone app, I enter my master password and click log in. I get the FIDO 2 step login page, then it immediately switches to the Bitwarden webauth page in my (Brave) browser. I click the Authenticate button and the toast menu comes up (NFC Security Key or USB Securitiy Key). I select NFC and hold my yubikey up to the back of the phone until I get the “You’re all set” notice. I then click the “Return to app” button but nothing happens. Ever. I’m stuck there and cannot proceed. If I exit out of Brave I’m then back to the FIDO2 WebAuthn screen (black) with a Try again button.

How do I get past this? I have historically had a terrible time getting this to work.

Edit: I went into my vault (via browser) and added the yubikey as a 2nd 2FA method (leaving webauthn intact) That time it allowed me to read the key via NFC but without webauthn.

I’ll be stepping out now to go pour a large bourbon.