An unexpected error has occurred

Due to an error on my Ubuntu Server I’ve had to migrate my Bitwarden container to a new server. I had a my database on a separate server thankfully and a copy of the compose / environmental files. However when I try to login to the new instance I get a red flag in the top right hand corner that reads: an unexpected error has occurred.

If I try to create a new user I can see they are created in the database but I still can’t sign in with them.

Not sure how to access the logs and so not sure how to go about troubleshooting this one. Any advise on this would be appreciated.

Is the new container creating logs and if so have you looked at them to see if there are any clues in there?

Unfortunately the container is not creating logs. The log folder is currently empty.

I assume this is becuase of a misconfig in my yml file but I can’t see where that error is.

For referance this is the yml that I am using: