Amazon Passkey in Bitwarden no longer working

Until today when I used Firefox 134.0.2 with the Bitwarden Exentsion and Win11, I could log into and get asked for a Passkey, which was then completed by Bitwarden via the pop up window.

Today when I tried it a prompt appeared from Windows Security asking for my pin number instead. When I entered this a message saying something like no passkey on this device. I could only log on by using my password.

I’m not sure whats changed but I don’t seem to be able to get a Passkey into Bitwarden for this site.

Any help would be appreciated.

Sounds like the OS was trying to handle the Passkey request and not forward it on to Bitwarden. Did something change outside of Bitwarden that would cause the OS to try to handle the passkey request, maybe something in Windows?

@CtrlaltDel Did that URL get accidentally in your “excluded domains” list? (if yes, delete it there → Settings → Notifications → Excluded domains)

Thanks for the replies.

The only thing that happened that I know of is that I had to log someone else onto Amazon for which they have no entry in my vault.

It does sound like the os is trying to handle the passkey. I deleted it in Amazon and tried to create a new one but can’t remember how to link it to BW, so the only choice I got was via Windows Hello.

Did you check the “Excluded domains” as suggested here?

Do you have the Bitwarden extension as your default password manager for your browser?

And check, if you have this turned on in your extension:
Settings → Notifications → Ask to save and use passkeys

Was your vault unlocked at that moment? - Don’t overwrite credentials in your vault in such scenarios. :wink:

There are no options within Firefox to specifiy the default password manager, only the option to stop Firefox from saving passwords. Once the extension is added it becomes the default password manager.

BW is set to Ask to Save and Use Passkeys…but somehow or other Amazon had got added to the excluded domains so thanks for that tip. I haven’t retried to get BW to save the passkey yet.

Thanks for your help

Probably, when the other login to Amazon was done, the passkey popup was closed with “Use your device or hardware key → Always for this site” (by that, the URL gets added to the excluded domains)…

I think there is something strange going on with Amazon’s passkeys+Bitwarden+Firefox.

Seeing this thread I intentionally logged out from my amazon account, tried to log in again by providing my email, then clicked on sign in with passkey, Bitwarden popped up where I selected my passkey, then Amazon asked me for my TOTP, and after entering that Bitwarden suddenly asked me if I wanted to save a new Amazon passkey.:neutral_face:Once I canceled that my Windows asked if I wanted to save a new passkey…

After that I logged out again and tried to sign in using passkey again and it worked fine. :person_shrugging:
Don’t know what’s happening there but seems like there’s some inconsistency in interactions going on…

Probably part of that is Windows trying to shoehorn its way into being your Passkey storage provide :angry:

Maybe other things will go into this direction… but, when you cancel Bitwarden’s passkey request, I think it was since the beginning the case, that the passkey request then get’s forwarded to the OS, so that part is not new.