Again PIN unlock not working anymore

As the title says :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
A repeat of the previous problem, PIN unlock is enabled in settings, worked until this morning. Firefox extension asks for password. I made no changes to any setting.

Firefox 119.0
FF Extension 2023.10.1 (updated today)
Desktop BW app 2023.10.1

No one else with this issue?? :hushed:
Am I really the only one who’s pin unlock is set, but not working (thus asked for main password)?

Solved ! :smile:
The extension update lost the unlock settings. I wonder why.
Also I wonder why nobody responded :thinking:

The above is not really a solution. Twice in the last 5 days my setting “Unlock with PIN” has been turned off. Both times I have turned it back on, the latest time about 10 minutes ago… I’m curious how long it will last.

I’m using Firefox. MacOS.

Same for me, Firefox on Linux. But also on desktop (flatpak). I switch VPN servers often, so that might be the reason