I’ve noticed that the database automatically backs up at UTC 00:00:00, but my timezone is 8 hours ahead of UTC. This means that the backups occur at 8:00 AM local time for me, which isn’t ideal as it misses changes made during the previous day. I’d prefer the database backups to occur at midnight local time for a more comprehensive backup of the previous day’s changes. Additionally, I’ve observed that emails received when logging into a new device display the UTC time, which can lead to confusion for users who aren’t familiar with timezone conversions.
Your Bitwarden account was just logged into from a new device.
Date: Friday, October 20, 2023 at 3:31 AM UTC
IP Address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Device Type: Chrome
bitwarden@Ubuntu:~# ls -lnh /mnt/Bitwarden/bwdata/mssql/backups/
total 82M
-rw-r----- 1 65534 65534 16M Oct 20 08:00 Bitwarden_FULL_20231020_000000.BAK
-rw-r----- 1 65534 65534 17M Oct 21 08:00 Bitwarden_FULL_20231021_000000.BAK
-rw-r----- 1 65534 65534 17M Oct 22 08:00 Bitwarden_FULL_20231022_000000.BAK
-rw-r----- 1 65534 65534 17M Oct 23 08:00 Bitwarden_FULL_20231023_000000.BAK
-rw-r----- 1 65534 65534 17M Oct 24 08:00 Bitwarden_FULL_20231024_000000.BAK
Considering these two points, I’d like to propose the ability to customize the timezone and even set a preferred time for database backups. If this isn’t currently possible, perhaps implementing these features through variable settings could be a great solution.
I’m curious if there’s already a way to achieve this, and if not, I’d like to discuss the potential benefits of adding timezone and backup time customization options within the Bitwarden community. Your insights and suggestions are welcome!