Additional way to Add to Favorites

It took me some time to find out how to add an entry to the Favorites.
I clicked the Gear Icon behind the entry but there was no “Favorite” option there.
I did not see the little Star Icon in the edit window.

So I suggest that you add the “Favorite” option in the menu of the Gear Icon that is located behind each entry.

You should also add the “Favorite” option in the menu of the Gear Icon at the top (behind the headline “My Vault”).
So I can add multiple entries to the Favorites with one mouse click (and remove them from the Favorites the same way).

I would like to see the same as well. I had to reach support to understand where the favorite option is. It would be better to have it on the 3 dots menu/gear icon. :+1:t4:

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I would also like to see this. The icon should be beside the gear icon, and should be the heart icon. :heart:


I would like this feature as well. I was about to submit this as a new topic, but I’m happier someone else already has.

Would like this to +1


I just spent like 15 minutes trying to figure out how to remove an item from favorites. None of the ways that I would have expected were there, and I overlooked the “favorite” checkbox the first time in the editing screen.

Ways I would have expected to add/remove favorites:

  • Right click (or gear on web, or three dots on mobile) -> add to favorites / remove from favorites
  • Same for the Edit menu on desktop
  • Swipe on item (mobile)
  • A favorite icon next to the edit pen icon on desktop

I hope this helps.


I was completely unable to work how to add/remove favourites in the desktop app. I had to resort the excellent website documentation to work it out. Now I know how, and it is a painful five-step, click, click, drag, click, click process! I too would like a star icon to toggle in the list or a right-click menu entry to toggle the favourite status.

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Let us have the option to choose between Heart and Star would be great!

Or even better, just expand it into a tag system from here on, can tag Heart, Star, Honeybees, Galaxy or some other Icons

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Hi, i don’t understand how can i put a login element into my favourites and where can i find them in android mobile app?

Please make this thing right.

I searched at length for HOW TO REMOVE AN ITEM FROM THE FAVORITES LIST. I don’t remember exactly how I discovered how to remove the Item from the Favorites list, but it is quite simple: In either “All Items” or “Favorites,” open the Item. Then, in the lower right corner of the page (next to the “Delete” icon), click on the star. If the Item is in the Favorites list, the star will be filled in in white. When you click on the white star, it will change to just the outline of the star. “Save” the change you just made, and the Item will be removed from the Favorites list.