Add filter to only display personal items (hide any items that belong to a organization)

Hi all

I know that this has been asked before in
:white_check_mark: Add filter to only display personal items (hide any items that belong to a organization) - Feature Requests / Password Manager - Bitwarden Community Forums

But i cant figure out what the solution was?

I dont want to get passwords from the organization only my personal box.
Why is that not possible to implement?

I tryed to make them as “farvorit”.

Regards Daniel

@DanielT Welcome to the forum!

When you open the Desktop app, just click on "My Vault " at the top of the left-hand navigation menu:

Hi :slight_smile: Meny thanks!

Yeap got that.

But when i visit a website where there are logins from my wault and my organization i dont want it to paste in from organaziation. I use a hot key and i have to circle though them all :frowning:

OK, it seems that you are actually asking about the browser extension, not the desktop app. I have therefore changed your topic tag from app:desktop to app:browser, to prevent further misunderstanding.

You have two options to prevent autofilling of login credentials that belong to your organization:

  1. Edit those credentials, click the :gear: icon next to each “Website (URI)” field, and change the selection for the URI match detection method to “Never”.
  2. In the Admin Console change the access permissions for each collection in the organization so that your account does not have any permission to access the collection contents.

Ahh sorry :slight_smile: Thanks!

1: I tryed this but it dosent work. It posts the credentials
Why cant there just be a setting in the 3 “dots” that do not post the credentials?

2: That is just not possible i just the organization credentials everyday.

Regards Daniel

That is because you didn’t do it correctly. Please follow the detailed instructions given below.

:one: Use the vault filters to find all login items belonging to the organization:

:two: Click an item name to view its details:

:three: At the bottom of the “View Login” page, click the Edit button:

:four: Scroll down to the Autofill Options section, and click the :gear: icon in the “Website (URI)” field:

:five: Open the “Match Detection” dropdown menu, and select the value “Never” (which should be the last option in the list):

:six: If there is more than one website address stored in the Autofill Options section, then repeat Steps :four: & :five: for each of the “Website (URI)” fields.

:seven: Click the Save button at the bottom of the “Edit Login” page:



After repeating the above process for all organization logins, you should no longer see those items in the “Suggested Items” section on the extension’s “Vault” view, and those logins should no longer be included when you cycle through logins by repeatedly pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+L.

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Ah it did work! But the browser needs a restart :slight_smile:
Meny thanks!
The only consurn about all this:
If another collgue wants to use it he cant. Becurse i edit the item to NOT post.

Yes, this method affects all users of the shared items. However, a possibly solution would be to mark these items as “favorites”, or to simply use the search function to find the items. Then, they can click the “three dots” icon for the item that they wish to use, and select “Autofill” there: