Account compromised?

I just started my computer since new year and suddenly my Bitwarden browser extension in Edge was gone… I found out that Edge disabled the extension because it “could be tampered with”. (Original: “This extension may have been manipulated.”)
I was able to re-enable it easily and I was still logged in.

Has my account been compromised? Should I be worried? Should I change my password? Or is this a program error that may be due to the turn of the year?

I would uninstall the extension and then download/install a fresh copy from the edge store before logging into to your vault.

Beyond account compromise, I would be concerned that a corrupted extension could write a corrupted vault to the server, rendering the vault itself inaccessible.

Thank you. But it seems to be an “edge problem”. My Tampermonkey extension was also deactivated because it was “manipulated”.

Any chance that you may be using a sideloaded of these extensions?