Accessability Function Not Functioning Properly

I’m currently using the latest android version of the app on my android phone that’s running version 13 of android. On the previous version of the app the app the accessability feature assisted with the login credentials being filled in properly. With the new version that feature no longer functions properly even though the setting is enabled in my phone accessability settings area. I’m to the point of not knowing how to correct my issue. I’m hoping that another user has had the same issue and if so might share a solution.

Another work around besides what @chcuky723 has mentioned is to side-load the previous stable version and use that until this is fixed:

There seems to be quite a few outstanding Accessibility issues on Github, some of which look similar to yours:

Thanks so much for your replies, I did in fact tried the suggestions that were mentioned in your replies but that didn’t correct the issue I wrote about. So for the time being I’ll just have to deal with my issue.