2 Person Free account

Note: Your question may already be answered in the Bitwarden Help Center.

With the 2 person free account it looks like it not possible for the two folks to have their own private collection and 1 shared collection? It that right or am I missing something.

Hi, I would recommend each person create their own free account.

You can then create an “Organization”, there are several tiers to this but the free organization plan will give you access for 2 people.

After you create your free organization, invite your friend after they create their free account.
You can then share as many logins, notes, etc. between yourselves in the organization, and still have your own private personal vaults individually.


Thank you, that helps.

Just to make it clear for other folks that might run into this - if you create a new org and just add the 2nd user then you end up with max 2 collection and 2 users . This means that the owner can see “private” info for the 2nd user. By following the instructions above each user has a private collection and there is one “shared” . This works great for 2 people .

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Also some helpful articles to get some more info about Organizations and a good visual of the comparisons of features available for each. :slight_smile:
Hope this helps you or anyone else in the future further.

One key thing that I enjoy about Bitwarden is their free tier is very generous and more than enough for most people to use everyday. Good way to get started and test it out too, if you do decide you want to pay for premium features it won’t break the bank either :wink:




Hello! I have created my free organization (am signed up for Premium plan) but don’t see anywhere (a tab?) where I can invite my second user? What am I missing? Thanks in advance!

Hi @bfish2! You will need to navigate to your Organization, Manage, and then Invite. There’s additional information here: https://bitwarden.com/help/managing-users/#invite

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I don’t have an “Organizations” tab in my premium account.

Hi @ChrispyWood, welcome to Community! :wave:

A Premium account does not have an Organization by default, but you can create a free two-person Organization by following these steps!