Interesting - disabling OTP in NFC seems allowed to move forward. I was able to come into the next page: FIDO2 WebAuthn. The app opened this form in my default Android browser: Firefox. However after touching the phone with Yubikey NFC a popup message appeared:
“An error has occurred. Please make sure your default browser supports WebAuthn and try again.”
I found this discussion on Bitwarden Github:
opened 01:01PM - 18 Oct 21 UTC
### Steps To Reproduce
Version 2.13.0 of Android app. Installed on Google Pixel… 5 running current Android 12 beta. The app now prompts me for YubiKey login but it doesn't work. First I see this:
I tap "Authenticate WebAuthn" and I see this:
I tap "GET STARTED" and I see this:
When I hold my key up to the back of the phone, the app switches back to the screen shown in the first screenshot above and this page opens in my browser:
![Point Blur_Oct182021_085528](
Other apps on my phone that use WebAuthn work just fine with my YubiKey. I am able to authenticate to Bitwarden with my YubiKey in my browser on the desktop.
### Expected Result
I expect the app to authenticate successfully with my YubiKey.
### Actual Result
It's not working.
### Screenshots or Videos
See above.
### Additional Context
_No response_
### Operating System
### Operating System Version
Android 12 beta
### Device
Pixel 5
### Build Version
### Beta
- [ ] Using a pre-release version of the application.
And this one:
Thanks everyone for continuing the conversation! We have an open item for this on GitHub, too:
P.S. Just enabled FIDO2 WebAuthn on 1Password app - everything works smoothly (on a same Android phone)