Worried loosing access with 2FA - Revert back to 1FA

I think this may be Bitwarden’s response to requests to waive New Device Verification if the 2FA reset code has been used, but more detail would certainly be helpful. Currently, using the 2FA reset code only disables 2FA, but does not log the user in to the Web Vault; it seems that the user will now be automatically logged in to the Web Vault when disabling 2FA via the recovery code. At a minimum, the benefits of this would be that the user has an opportunity to immediately re-enable some 2FA method, which would then waive the requirement for New Device Verification. Possibly, the browser used to submit the 2FA reset code would also be automatically registered as a known device upon login to the Web Vault, so that further Web Vault logins using the same browser would be possible without requiring New Device Verification (provided that browser data is not cleared).