Vault Item Sharing

Agree with all your points and @ThreeStrikesTrigger as well.

Bitwarden Send does have some good use cases, but it really doesn’t work in a multi-user or enterprise environment. Especially when you have passwords that must be updated every 30-90 days which is increasingly common and are being shared with discrete user access levels in a business environment (Sales staff vs. HR staff vs. Accounts vs. Management)

The reality is that many businesses, and even family environments, have the need for very granular control of passwords. Passwords to access the family home netflix account might be needed by Parents and children, but access to the electric company, phone company or the home security system login would only be between the two Parents.

I loathe Lastpass for their dereliction of their duties the last several years, but their system of being able to share from a personal vault to many other lastpass users solves what is a very common and practical need. I desperately want to stop paying Lastpass and send my business and my family to bitwarden, but the sharing system at present is not administratively practical. If Bitwarden could match sharing with the same ease, I alone would be responsible for migrating 30 paying members of LastPass to Bitwarden


Any update on when the feature is released?

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Any update on this? This is a highly desired feature by the community, has been open since 2018, and has a high number of votes.

According to Bitwarden’s current development roadmap, this feature is “under development” (but not yet “in development”), which suggests that release is not imminent.

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It’s at least not yet a Github draft PR. For a big feature like this, it would hang around a while as a PR undergoing several revisions and QA rounds.

Though, another tangential background change - cipher key encryption - is getting rather close. Right now, all items are encrypted with the same user-wide key, which means sharing an item would require re-encrypting the item (including attachments). With cipher-key encryption, this is not required since each vault entry now has its own key. So it makes implementing vault item sharing easier.


Hi together,
This functionality would be very helpful as today I always need to copy and paste the passwords from an PW entry to a send entry. It would be way confi to have a button “send pw entry”.
Best Gregor


Dear Bitwarden, this request has been open since 2018. This is unacceptable and should be a basic MVP feature. The fact that it’s sitting as “Under Research” still is ridiculous. We are paying our hard-earned money to use your product and you’re spending your time on enterprise clients and ignoring the people who made you great. You need to reevaluate your priorities.


Same here, I can’t understand how this feature can be missing if the purpose is to use it with collaboration. For now each user have to create one collection dedicated to each single person with who he want to share passwords :dizzy_face: It has no sense at all, this is more than a limitation in the adoption of vaultwarden.
It seems that it was planned in the 2023’s roadmap, I hope we will see it soon :crossed_fingers:

@schmurtzm Welcome to the Bitwarden community forum!

Vaultwarden is not a Bitwarden product, and Bitwarden does not develop any features for Vaultwarden. Your best bet is to submit your request to the Vaultwarden community:

Good luck!

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I love Bitwarden, but the sharing process is a mess.

Sharing needs to be greatly simplified between individual accounts without needing to mess around with organisations and collections.


It could be useful to have the Send feature embedded into the View Item UI somehow to allow Items to be attached to a Send.

For example, if I want to share a username and password with someone, but want to do it using a Send, I can open that Item and choose to forward that data in a Send as opposed to copy/pasting it into a newly created Send.

@davidjc1195 Welcome to the forum!

I moved your post into an existing feature request thread. To support this feature request, scroll to the top of the thread, and click the Vote button.

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Well, we’re now more than halfway through 2024, and still waiting for this new functionality. Where is it?

This continues to be a pain point for my company.


Hi @ThreeStrikesTrigger Appreciate the follow up. There is still work planned but the timetable is not set at this point. Using Bitwarden Send would be the best option for now.

Is the new release Browser v2024.7.1 - “Enable individual vault item encryption keys” the frist step for this feature? @Quexten what d y think?


Yes, cipher key encryption is a crucial step towards developing item sharing, with it being enabled now, progress is definitely being made towards item sharing. The actual feature development is still remaining though.


2024 still no update on the one time password thing.

I just saw the update on another alternative,

they have the option to share the password as link with expiry date.

So, non bitwarden users can get the pass, 2FA codes by visiting that link.

I think its a basic need, as not everyone wants to move to Bitwarden.

Still waiting for Vault Item Sharing, but now it looks like it is not even on the roadmap anymore?