Unselect item when search text is cleared (or changed)

Scenario 1

  1. Search for any item
  2. Click one of the search result
  3. Content of selected item is loaded into right panel
  4. Clear search (remove searched text)
  5. All items are loaded
  6. Item is still selected (from step 2), but should be unselected (the right panel should be cleared)

Scenario 2

  1. Search for any item
  2. Click one of the search result
  3. Content of selected item is loaded into right panel
  4. Change searched text
  5. New search result is shown
  6. Item is still selected (from step 2), but should be unselected

Feature name

  • Clear selection of item when search text has been cleared or changed

Feature function

  • Selection of item
  • It will fix user’s misunderstanding why strange item is loaded into the right panel when search text has been changed and the item is not part of search result

It’s not just for search, it’s anytime you click on an item it populates the right side window, and there is no way to clear it. You can click another item, but then that item is displayed.
There HAS to be a way to clear the right side window that displays all the sensitive info from your item.

I am using the Windows desktop application.