I am getting the following error when installing bitwarden ipa on M2 air.
This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified.
Any help on how to solve this issue?
I downloaded the ipa from Release 2024.8.1 (1052) · bitwarden/ios · GitHub .
PS: I want to install this ipa since it is a native app in swift, unlike the mac app made in electron.
September 13, 2024, 4:27am
@qkblsvcjar Welcome to the forum!
The iOS app is for running on a mobile phone, and cannot be installed on a MacBook laptop.
September 13, 2024, 4:40am
According to the source you linked, for this to work, you’d need to download the .ipa from the App Store, not from GitHub.
September 16, 2024, 3:07pm
Well, seems like your answer is spelled out clearly in the text of the error message.
Sounds like @grb nailed it .
Personally, I would stick with Bitwarden recommendations. Over the years I have learned that when straying off the popular path, one is more likely to discover the new potholes. And, given how important my vault is to me, I really do not want to somehow corrupt it.