U2F support over NFC

Adding my vote for U2F support over NFC, but it looks like it will not happen :frowning:

If you find any open source apps that have this feature (not limited to password safe apps), please post a link.
Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s gonna help because Bitwarden isnā€™t written in Java/Kotlin like 99% of the Android Apps, but I would at least love to have a look at how it should be implemented. The Android documentation is severely lacking on implementation details.

More U2F support is on our roadmap for this year, so hopefully weā€™ll be able to include NFC. More to come when we start work on that project!

Have you found a way to implement it in Xamarin? Thereā€™s an open PR where I tried to implement it but ran into a wall that apparently noone else has ever seen (and thereā€™s actually very little if not zero current information on how to handle U2F in Android apart from a ā€œthese are the APIs you will needā€ half-page entry in the Android documentation.

We have NFC working for OTP, but havenā€™t investigated it for U2F yet, but we do have some helpful folks that may be able to assist in the investigation :slight_smile:

Yeah, the NFC part isnā€™t really the problem.
The Android U2F API is interface-agnostic (it doesnā€™t care whether you provide a USB-C, USB-C-to-USB-A, NFC or device-built-in U2F/FIDO2 token => The OS takes care of that)
The problem is the U2F-API itself which already fails at the step of generating a proper U2F/FIDO2 request in my case, without any helpful error message.

I didnā€™t try to reimplement the U2F protocol myself using the bare-metal NFC interface, as there is already an API in Android that is used by the system itself and by the browsers.

I dont know how useful this is but maybe have a look at this. It is used by nextcloud and doesnā€™t use gms but only the java version is open source and the one for xamarin is paid.

Iā€™d be very happy to have it implemented.
In fact this is the only showstopper before buying & implementing bitwarden company wide (CC: @tgreer)

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The roadmap has ā€˜FIDO U2F Support for additional clientsā€™ in development, I wonder if that includes U2F over NFC?

Bought a Yubikey Security Key with NFC for Bitwarden recently only to find out itā€™s not supported :frowning:


This is the killer feature that I am waiting for before Lastpass move.

100% is possible as use other apps where it is working on Desktop Browser (like bitwarden does) and in a native android app. (and no they are not using worthless OTP!)

It was added in latest update, however, it gives an error dialog An error has occurred

@triceps-tamale is this the error youā€™re experiencing? FIDO2 in Android app is not working Ā· Issue #1594 Ā· bitwarden/mobile Ā· GitHub

I might be, I am not sure, I added more details in that ticket

Still a valid request and would love NFC and Bluetooth support.

Welcome, @benr!

FIDO2 is currently supported via NFC, weā€™ve just left this thread open as there have been recommendations on improved workflows :+1:

Hello @tgreer . It looks like the Yubikey Provider supports NFC however the FIDO2 WebAuthn provider does not.

On further inspection the options available for the FIDO2 WebAuthn provider seem to depend on options provided by the browser itself, I see the same options (USB & Platform, not BlueTooth) available if I test on https://webauthn.io/. So my problem is with the browser, not BitWarden.

Thanks for the response. :slight_smile: