There is no way to currently do this inside the Vault, but there is an existing feature request:
I like to change may passwords often. I feel it would be useful to have a “Password Age Report” in the Vault Health Reports for Premium Users.
Bitwarden already tracks the last time a password was updated so I would assume it wouldn’t be to difficult to create a report that show the service name and the password age in days.
This would make it much easier to recognize passwords that are very old and should be changed.
However, there is a way to sort entries by the age of the password outside the Vault using the Command-Line Interface (CLI). You can find more about that here:
Sort vault items using the Bitwarden CLI along with a tool called jq with the following command:
bw list items | jq ‘. |= sort_by(.revisionDate)’
Courtesy of @Chris_Magnuson
Fyi, here is a PowerShell option for reviewing recently modified passwords vault items:
(.\bw list items | ConvertFrom-Json) |
Select-Object -Property Name, RevisionDate |
Sort-Object -Property RevisionDate |
Select-Object -First 10
Edit: The above post was revised on 2023-01-30, to make corrections to the PowerSh…