Support longer notes -- breaks Lastpass import

Any update on this? March 15, 2022 this is still an issue.

I’m writing an app to modify the lastpass.csv file to truncate the notes fields so I can import it into bitwarden, but the effort is extended because of the following lastpass file format issues (not your fault, of course)

  1. Some fields can be quoted, while others are not.
  2. quoted fields can have quotes in them.
  3. quoted fields can have commas in them (complicating finding the correct commas for delimiters)
  4. notes fields can be multiline, and there’s no end-of-record delimiter.

At the moment, I’ve got almost everything working, with plenty of test cases in unit tests, but now have to handle the multi-line notes.

It appears you already handle all of this. Just adding a small snipped of code to truncate the note would be significantly less effort than everything I’m doing.