✅ Store WebAuthn/FIDO2 Credentials in Bitwarden (Passkey support)

Completely. Unless a website has a Single Sign On (SSO) domain (it is not an issue in that case), we are stuck (needing to duplicate the Vault Item) if it has multiple domains.
I created a feature request here Allow storing multiple passkeys on one vault item for the above subject

@DoctorB Same here on Windows, but it does work with Google on my Mac and Raspberry PI !
If you go into Passkeys (in google manage account) and click “give it a try” button then it works OK but not if you actually login with Chrome on Windows.

Thanks, it’s completely the same behavior as me, that’s a good start :slight_smile:
I just found a previous issue about that on GitHub. Please refer to that answer: Passkey not found · Issue #6764 · bitwarden/clients · GitHub => we need to write to them and put a reference to this issue, saying that we have the same behavior.

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