[SOLVED] Unable to verify e-mail on self hosted BW server

Thanks for the quick reply.

The 456 versus 465 was a typo :frowning: , but just in the post, not in the file :slight_smile:
I didn’t know I had to create an app password in my Google account for this BW server, but I created one now.

So I tried two options:

globalSettings__mail__smtp__host=smtp gmail com
globalSettings__mail__smtp__username=xxxxxxxxx@gmail com
globalSettings__mail__smtp__password=xxxxxxxxx (new Google app password)

lobalSettings__mail__smtp__host=smtp gmail com
globalSettings__mail__smtp__username=xxxxxxxxxx@gmail com
globalSettings__mail__smtp__password=xxxxxxxxx (new Google App password)

Unfortunately, no dice. No e-mails are coming in.
Is there a log file that would show any reasons for the e-mail not being sent