Small browser popup and multiple logons for single site

When this has been reported previously, it was caused by “fingerprinting resistance” tactics employed by the browser (i.e., queries to the browser about the size of the browser window returns dimensions that are much smaller than the actual dimensions, to thwart browser fingerprinting). Because Bitwarden scales the extension viewport to be commensurate with the size of the browser window, this can result in a small size for the extension. The work-around is to dig into your browser settings and disable the fingerprinting resistance.


Does this number (4-6 entries) match the number shown in the badge counter overlaid on the browser extension icon?

If so, open one of the irrelevant entries for editing, and examine the URI list. Post a screenshot here if it doesn’t contain private information. Most likely, a copy of the Fidelity URL ended up saved in the wrong item, somehow.

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