Search by password

Any update on this? I could use this feature. I use a strong password but have multiple different websites that all log into my domain, so they all use the same password, but they are all different servers so I have different entries for them in BW. When I change my password, I need to be able to find all the entries that were setup with the old one so I can change them instead of waiting to get errors for the next week as I access different systems and then have to go update them one by one.

I have a folder, “sites that use my domain creds”. Oh password change day, I make my way through the vault entries in that folder.

Others chose to list all the URLs in a single vault entry. That does not work well for me because I also use my vault instead of a bookmark manager (my bookmark needs are minimal).

I recently encountered a similar situation and have no idea which website is associated with the password.

I have the same thing from Chase, 6x. I wonder what Chase is finding that Bitwarden’s exposed thing isn’t finding. So added my vote to help simplify finding these password pieces.

I agree that this should be a default feature of the free version. Otherwise just knowing that a PW was exposed is useless if you cannot identify the account and change the PW. This request has been on going since 2020, surely enough time for Bitwarden to implement the change especially with all the votes for it.


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