Revert to older UI design (prior to the December 2024 changes)

As a long-time windows developer, from version 3.0 thru 10, now retired, I find this redesign sad and disheartening. The group (or person) who designed the new popup does not understand, or are choosing to ignore, how end-users are actually using it (i.e. the ”use cases” and their frequency). 99% of the time users click your toolbar icon it is because they have been presented with a login window that has not already been auto filled by you. And, within that use case, 95% of the time they want to login with an existing record your well-oiled search function has already identified. This is what should be optimized. Count Clicks, and Set Focus to the most likely to be used object on the window. Basic design stuff. How often does a user (this one anyway) want to do a Search? Almost never, as in once or twice a year. You seem to be assuming that your search function has failed, which I’ve never seen. 1) Move the search function/field from the top of the window, and do no give it the focus. 2) You had the login record “objects” right in the last version. How often does a user want to edit the record versus using it to log in. Make the most used action the big easy thing to hit and the less used buttons the smaller objects. Now that I’ve gotten most obvious stuff off my chest, I’m done.

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Welcome, @Rick256 to the community!

It can do that. Instructions available on the auto-fill options page.

There are additional customizations to restore previous behaviors to help keep your click-count low.

In contrast to yours, my typical use of the vault tab is to launch web sites and to update entries. I rarely use the autofill button because my preferred autofill (keyboard shortcuts) tends to be quite reliable. I view it as an improvement that they now have an setting that allows both you and me to work the way we individually prefer.

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@DenBesten, likewise: @Rick256, although my mother and brother tend to utilize Bitwarden solely for autofill, I create and modify vault entries as frequently, if not more so, than I autofill then.

I’ve updated Edge to 131.0.2903.146, it doesn’t seem to auto-open the drop-down list now. Thanks for the replies.


Seems many people, like @DenBesten already wrote, use the Vault tab also as a “bookmark” manager - searching for an item and launch the website from it. So, the search is also a frequently used function…

Yeah, I agree to that general idea. On the other hand, the extension is flexible enough to be used in different ways.

Though, that may be true - the reason why it was changed may have been a different one. I for myself am really glad, that now every item behaves the same way by clicking it. That inconsistency before drove me mad at times.

(and there are more methods for auto-filling: PSA: How to easily autofill using the new browser extension UI)

And… the more “widespread” passkeys get, the less important auto-filling will become. :thinking:

In sum, I would like the extension to be even more customizable, so that different “groups” of users can adapt it more to their liking (and usage).

This I agree with, but the same is true of you, unless you can provide sources for the user research that backs up the following claims:

I suspect that you have no evidentiary basis for the above statistics, but are simply assuming that everybody uses the browser extension the same way that you do. Now clearly there are a fair number of users who do share your habits, but neither you, I, nor anybody at Bitwarden has any idea of whether this group of users represents 99%, 49%, 9%, or 0.9% of Bitwarden’s user base. If there are a million Bitwarden users, even 0.9% of the population would constitute 9000 angry users. Because angry users are much more likely than satisfied users to sign up for a forum account to post their opinions, one cannot infer that the more vocal subpopulation represents the majority of the user base.


Wondering if changes are implemented by actual users or are the specific engineers using a different password manager model? Have been using BW for 5 years and this new UI is cumbersome and especially would be for new users compared to the old.

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I have been a paid Bitwarden user for years and just created a Communities account to say that the new design is terrible. It’s ugly, cluttered, overly colorful, and has too many elements (borders, buttons, colors, animations). Honestly, it turned out REALLY bad. I’m already exploring other solutions and will stop using Bitwarden after this nonsense.


devs can you revert everything back? you are already losing this game, trust me


When looking at the negative emotions voiced (and the relative user numbers voicing a concern), however, one also has to keep in mind that it requires creating an account to reply here, so only parts of the negative feedback will end up here. I created the account just for this purpose and to share that I also began looking for alternatives. I am not furious and hope that most issues are solved soon, but right now, this feels like a massive step into the wrong direction.


The more I have to use the new UI for the web-browser app, the more and more problems I identify with it. It is so burdensome having to interact with the new UI. The worst possible UI decisions were made with respect to usability. Whereas with the old UI, the usability was excellent.

It would take a lot of time and writing to detail all the problems with the new UI and how burdensome it makes it to create new entries, add Text and Hidden fields, etc.

Please, Bitwarden, revert back to the old UI. I don’t understand why Bitwarden would not want to revert back considering how superior the old interface was.


@eufnis I merged your feature request with this existing one, as they are identical.

Those links might both represent the state “before” the UI redesign, which was not released until the very end of 2024. Would be interesting to see the Q1 2025 stats. :eyes:

Not available yet: :smile: and I am not so sure they will be, given that I was unable to find Q3 numbers.

But yes, it is “too soon to tell”. I was looking for more equidistant numbers, but 7 months before and 1 month after was as close as I could find.

Hi all, just a reminder that we don’t censor criticism, but we do remove death threats, personal attacks and posts with inappropriate/unnecessary language.

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Agree, it slows down also after UI redesign update, if it is simple it is faster.

You responded to my post back in January. I’m not a frequent user and I didn’t respond at that time but I did want to Thank You for your thoughtful reply.

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You responded to my post back in January. I didn’t respond then but I wanted to Thank You for your thoughtful reply.

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Note: For the sake of overall clarity, I changed the title from “Revert to older UI design” to “Revert to older UI design (prior to the December 2024 changes)”.