Restore "Show Cards" and "Show Identities" options in browser extension

Being able to immediately autofill a credit card or identity from the extension was an huge convenience. Now they’re 3 extra clicks away:

Would you be able to populate them between Suggested and All Items like before, at least as an option?


I modified the topic title to be more precise (was: “Restore credit card and identity accessibility in the new browser extension”).

I should explain that in the new browser extension UI (since 2024.12.0), the intended behavior is for cards and identities to show up under “Autofill Suggestions” (if and only if the loaded webpage contains input fields for Identity or Card data, respectively). From a clarification posted by @Micah_Edelblut during beta testing:

You can experience the intended functionality here (for Cards) and here (for Identities).

However, there are two major issues with the current functionality for displaying Cards and Identities:

1. The Display of Cards & Identities as Autofill Suggestions is Broken

A bug report here demonstrates that the algorithm used for deciding whether to display Cards and Identities has a failure rate of 90%. Even though Bitwarden is not acknowledging this as a bug, it clearly is a bug, and it is a serious one [Update: A revised version of the bug report has now been acknowledged]. Even if Bitwarden makes some incremental progress in improving their form detection algorithm, it will never be 100% reliable (just like we still do not get 100% success on detection of username/password input fields during autofilling of login credentials, even after 8 years of development). Therefore, unless Bitwarden brings back the ability to display Cards and Identities on the Vault page, we will be stuck with situations in which the necessary vault items are hidden from view when opening the browser extension.

2. Viewing Card/Identity Data Requires Extra Steps

There are common use cases when one needs to look up Card or Identity data for purposes other than autofilling an online form in an open web page. A very common example would be when providing such information by telephone. A user who enables the options to “Show Cards” and/or “Show Identities” will want such data at their fingertips. Having to unlock one’s vault is already a barrier, but having done so, the required information should be one click away (as previously, in the old UI prior to 2024.12.0).


I know, feature request… though workaround: set the wanted cards and identities as “favorites” (item → view → edit → “star symbol”), then they get always shown below the auto-fill suggestions in the “favorites” section.


Yeah, unfortunately that adds them to the app’s favorites as well (not desirable for me), and puts them in an odd unsorted list in the extension. But I appreciate it, that’ll reduce some of the headache for now.

That will be fixed with one of the next releases (so that it is alphabetical again):

But a user should not be required to use the “Favorites” feature just to get reliable one-click access to their card and identity items:

100% agree. This is not an acceptable answer to the challenges this update has created.

@grb @astrohip I agree to you two. As I see it, I wrote “workaround” with a reason.

The new interface has way too many steps! This is supposed to be a time saver but…
Previously, I had my Identities on the Tab page, so they were there when I clicked the icon. It was literally a two-step process:

  1. Click BitWarden icon
  2. Click Identity

But now:

  1. Click BitWarden icon
  2. Click Type
  3. Click Identity
  4. Click the little tiny row of dots
  5. Click Autofill

How anyone thought this would be better, I do not understand.
There isn’t even a Tab page anymore, just an endless list of passwords, none of which I have ever looked for by scrolling. If I’m looking for a password, I’m typing it in the Search box. There is no point in doing it any other way. This is a mess.

Bring back the old way, or at least provide options to make the extension as useful as it used to be.

@Steven_Beeder I merged your post into an existing feature request on the same topic. You can support this feature request by clicking the Vote button at the top of the thread.

Stil not any comment?
Omg this change makes me cry.

Just make an option to revert to old UI till this is fixed

Maybe any kind of folder / filter / category could be favorited, and the favorites could be sorted manually, so any user could construct the best quick-access menu for their own use-cases?


@lasergyro Welcome to the forum!

That may be a good solution option, and there is a separate feature request for this idea, linked below (although the terminology used by the OP is “pinning”):


I think that you could post in that thread to add your own suggestions:

  • A pinnable “query” should include any combination of filter selections, even if the search bar is empty.
  • The pinned “queries” should be manually sortable.

I have two credit cards saved in the credit / debit cards folder. If you view the card and edit the card, there will be a star at the upper right corner. Click the star which will tag it as a “favorite” and pin it to the Vault view. Then it will show the last four digits of the card number under the name of the card. The favorites will show three dots to autofill, or copy the number or security code. I also have my identity tagged as a favorite to keep it on the Vault view for easy access. I discovered that following the design update that those items were no longer showing in the vault view. I just had to retag them as favorites to pin them back to the Vault view. Hope this helps.

@GeoJ There will come an option, to get back identities and cards as “always shown” without the “workaround” to make them favorites. → 2025.1.0 Browser Extension UI/UX Megathread

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yes, I saw that. But this was the method used in the previous design I believe. It will help those waiting for the update to be implemented.

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@GeoJ I have moved your comments into a more relevant feature request topic.

I came here to say that in the older UI the cards would have been listed whenever I clicked on the Bitwarden icon, under the matching Login items.

In the new UI, it lists hundreds of Logins together with Identities for me.
How is listing ~1000 items under each other useful?

Please list only the matching Login items for that URL then list the cards and identities below. No point in showing everything on the first screen when the extension is opened.

Like the old UI, which was quite useful.

Can we revert to the old UI with better UX experience?

Cards and Identities seem to come back as (I think optional) separate sections in the Vault tab with one of the next releases:

Beginning with extension version 2025.1.1, you can collapse the Favorites section and All Items section of the Vault tab, so that you don’t see all items if you don’t want that.

As written above, that will come back as an option.

If you are already on extension version 2025.1.1 (Edge and Chrome/Chromium browser can update - I’m not sure about Safari… and with Firefox we have the usual waiting time), you can collapse the All Items (and Favorites) section(s), like shown in the screenshot above.