Question about saving web-vault settings

From what I was able to find, based upon a previous posting from another member here it seems that these Preferences should actually be retained. Though some settings are universal, and others (such as Vault timeout and Vault timeout action) are configurable per client.
I was not able to find a current feature request related to retaining or saving these preferences/settings across clients, but you can feel free to look as well or create your own.

From what I was able to test though, it appears several of the Preferences you listed do in fact seem to be retained such as Vault timeout being set to 4 hours, and Theme being set to Dark (I should have realized this as mine is retained at Use system theme, but I rarely use the web-vault)

The one issue I noticed was that in Preferences Display full width layout remained :ballot_box_with_check: checked, but did not display as such as defaulted to the standard view. I had to :black_square_button: uncheck the option, Save, and then enable and save again.

I would say this appears to be a bug, and actually found a related GitHub issue.

If you are having issues with these Preferences being saved during Logout do you know if your browser settings or any extension automatically clears cookies and cached data for sites?
Hopefully this info helps :slightly_smiling_face:

P.S. as an aside, I just wanted to also note that though I am a Community Leader in the forums here, I am merely another end user of the product and not a Bitwarden employee or staff member.